Friday, March 21, 2008

Episode 1.2

As you may remember, Chad and Sandy got their little plastic butts into a bit of trouble with Chad's "ball and chain" you may know as Teresa. We last left you with a chick fight between Sandy and Teresa - let's take a look and see how things are working out for our plastic trio.

Looks like Chad should've said "no."

Note: The half naked plastic woman standing behind Chad? The homewrecker herself, Sandy. Teresa makes a break for it in her brand new beach cruiser.

Confused and wondering what to do, Chad gets on his razor with his best bra Tad.
notice the "brocelets" they each have on...
these mean they're bonded fo' lyfe. diks fo lyfe.

Tad: What up bra?
Chad: Not much bra.
Tad: Have a beer bra, tell me about it, yo.

They both crack open an ice cold Mini Light.

Chad: I just don't know what to do, bra. My hollow head says Teresa, but my plastic mound says Sandy.
Tad: There are more fine bitches out there, bra. Don't let these two gitchu down, fosh!
Chad: FOSH! Thanks, bra. You know you mah boi.
Tad: Let's get in and throw around a ball. There's nuttin I like doin' more than throwin around balls.

Chad: Thanks for talkin to me, bra - it really helped.
Tad: Anything fo a fellow dik. Glad to help a brotha out.


Chad: Uhhh I gotta go uhhh do some bicep curls.
Tad: Uhh yeah good idea, gotta work on my uhhh glutes. You know tha bitches uhhh like glutes.
Chad: Uhh yeah yeah, uhhh I gotta go. Bye, bra.
Tad: Uhhh, bye.

Who will Chad choose? Did Chad and Tad share a moment? You decide. Stay tuned for the next episode of Life in Plastic - it'll be fantastic!

Kellee aka Thrilla Vanilla: Hey guys - hope you're enjoying Life in Plastic. Tell your friends - we rely on your hits to make us feel good about ourselves. As much fun as you've had reading this - we've had more fun making it. I promise. Nothing like a little fishing line and a Barbie car (; Thanks for reading!

Lauren aka Loski: You know we is fly. What a bunch of slutty bastards we have for actors - seriously. Really though, keep will only get better - there is an entire aisle at Wal-Mart full of Barbie accessories we have yet to tap into. If you guys have any extra Barbie stuff from your childhood days send it our way (we'll even drop yo' name in the episode!). Okay, Kellee & I have to go drink the beer we bought today...bye.

Loski cutting the fishing line from Sandy Sampson. Naked Sandy Sampson, of course.

Our cart at Wal-mart. We felt a little weird with Sparks, Beer, and Barbies all in the same cart. Whatev - we coo.

1 comment:

jennnorth said...

so you're actually spending money on new props?

you gotta dig out the 1980s shit, man.