Monday, March 17, 2008

Episode 1.1

And it all begins...


Even though Chad and Teresa have been dating for four and a half years, Chad's wandering eye always happened to wander right onto Sandy Sampson, Teresa's mega promiscuous roommate. So when Sandy invited Chad over to their apartment, Chad couldn't help but take her up on the offer. He thought his geology class would be the perfect excuse to explore Sandy's landscape. Grabbing his textbook and the movie "Chucky" Chad was on his way to hang out with a little eye candy before the "ball and chain" came home from her volunteer job at the hospital.

Equipped with pop corn, pizza, and a couple drinks, the movie "watching" begins.

Getting a little too excited, Chad grabs a pillow to make himself more .. comfortable. Sandy makes herself more comfortable in her own way...

Sandy, being the hobag that she is, leans in for the kill, and the grab.

With Teresa coming home in less than an hour, the two realize they need to get down to .. business.
(For the unedited version, click here - 18+)

(For the unedited version, click here - 18+)


Never one for monotony...

(For the unedited version, click here - 18+)

Excited for girls night in with Sandy, Teresa asks to leave her volunteering job early. She arrives at the apartment the two girls share, and finds the door unlocked. Teresa enters quietly, unaware of the excitement occurring in her living room.


Shocked, Teresa loses her cool, and grabs a hold of her slutty roommate's synthetic hair and swears she'll pull it right out of the holes in her head, all while Chad velcros up his jeans in the back, sits down on the couch, cracks open a cold one, and watches the doll fight that is unfolding right before his painted blue eyes.

What will happen for our three favorite plastic frienemies? Stay tuned to "Life in Plastic" for what happens next...



jennnorth said...

i think i need to teach you girls a lesson on barbie porn shots.

i'm kind of a pro in that category.

Anonymous said...

We are such crack heads....